Girl Power: This Girl Will Really Make You Rethink Your Current Lifestyle

Among skyscrapers, in the burrows of the Big Apple, lies a girl on a mission. Meet New York Native, Lauren Singer, an advocate of sustainable living and positive environmental change. She’s also known as ‘Trash is For Tossers’ on her blog or Youtube Channel. Her articles/videos showcase her common day-to-day routines and you get to understand how she lives ‘Zero-Waste’ in a super cool, informative way. Now, she also runs two of her of her own businesses that promote the concept of 'Zero-Waste'; The Simply Co., which sells 'organic, vegan cleansing products' and packagefreeshop which sells sustainable products to 'those who want to reduce their environmental footprint, but don't know where to start.'

So what’s a Zero-Waste life about?
Basically, it’s about not producing any garbage and reducing your waste. So that means not throwing anything into rubbish bins or letting trash be sent to landfills. However, with the exception of recycling and composting practices when needed. //

Well, I first got to know about Lauren in class back in school two years ago, when our facilitator showed us a video of how she collects years of trash in a mere Mason Jar. We were so in awe of the video because we couldn’t believe how she was able to organise and fit years of trash in a minimal way. It definitely inspired all of us to rethink our practices and be a little more eco-friendly in some way or other (e.g. petitioning to bring a water bottle, cutting down plastic bags, e.t.c.) because if this young lady could make a change to better our world. So, could we.

In addition to her unconventional ways of dealing with trash, she avoids plastics and industrial chemicals by making her own products; think toothpaste, lotion, laundry detergent and more. She also ensures that she has her own cutlery and mason jar to store food in when she’s out and about, buys clothes secondhand and eats only organic foods.

Anyways, I thought I'd share three videos featuring which Lauren, which I thought was pretty cool:

1. Wanting to know how she got started out her Zero-Waste lifestyle journey? Watch this video:

2. To be able to capture information on our current situation of the environment and collective green efforts. Watch this video to see how M. Sanjayan (Visiting Researcher, Senior Scientist UCLA, Conservation International) and Lauren Singer explain what's going on: 

3.  Look at the trash she’s collected in her mason jar up till now, in a total of 5 years!:

To stay updated with Lauren Singer, you can follow her on her social media links here:

And yes, there's a lot more amazing stuff you can find on the Web of this 'Wonder Woman' but hopefully, you're able to rethink your lifestyle choices and hey, you maybe, slowly move towards living a Zero-Waste lifestyle too! All, it takes to start living sustainably is to start small, you know like what Neil Armstrong would say - "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

- From your homegirl, Margaux


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