Water Bottle Worries

The convenience vs damage 

Yes, I'm here to go on another beverage waste crusade! 


  • Australians purchased over 726 millions litres of water in 2015, therefore Australians may have spent up to $2 billion dollars on bottled water in 2015 
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No one likes to be thirsty on the go, but it seems crazy that we are spending this much money on a resource that we can get straight out of our taps. Aside from the cost of bottled water, it's also hurting our planet... 
  • Bottled water has to be pumped out of the ground, packaged, transported and chilled before it gets to us. This creates over 60,000 tons of greenhouses gases a year in Australia alone.
Image result for sick earth gif

We need to ReThink how we consume our water. 

So next time you're heading out, be prepared and pack a reusable water bottle with you! 

Reusable Bottle Inspiration 

Source Bulk Foods 
Why wouldn't you want to invest in such beautiful water bottles, help the planet, and save money in the long run! 

~ Stay Hydrated, Charlie Acar 

Water Bottle Stats from ~


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